- New TV station P71
- Conservation funding not included P71
- Customs upgrades P72
- America's Cup P72
- Tertiary Ed P73
"The behavioural assumptions, and therefore the impact on future costs are unquantifiable at this early stage but there is an expected general increase in demand for tertiary education beyond the forecast period"
- ECE Funding Review P73
- School of Rural Medicine P73
- Hosting APEC 2021 P73
- Development Assistance P73/4
- Public Housing P75
- Refugees Quota P75
- Justice Commitments (Access) P76
- LINZ LandOnLine P76
- Welfare P77
"The behaviour change associated with such changes, including the removal of section 70A of the Social Security Act 1964 (which reduces the amount of benefit payments owed to sole parents who do not disclose the identity of the other parents of their children) is unknown."
- National Land Transport Fund P78
"Crown funding may need to be provided for projects if they do not receive NLTF funding and the scope, timing and costs of some of these projects are still being finalised."
- Auckland Transport Alignment Plan P78
"...[Gap] is between $5 billion and $6.5 billion. The Government and Auckland Council are currently considering how to refresh ATAP in order to align the priorities of the new Government with the existing priorities of Auckland Council. This work will also include consideration of options to address the funding gap."
- Investing in Children Transformation P79
" To the extent that the costs associated with the new Ministry cannot be funded from a tagged contingency or from reprioritisation, additional funding is likely to be required."
- Clothing Allowances P79
"[Act] comes into force on 1 July 2018. The fiscal implications of this Act have yet to be fully assessed and incorporated in the fiscal forecasts"
- Learning Support P80
"..[If building cost] pressures cannot be managed within agency baselines, additional funding is likely to be required."
- Southern Response Earthquake Services Support P81
"The ultimate cost to the Crown of settling earthquake claims remains subject to significant uncertainty"
- Primary Care Services P81
"The implementation details and funding arrangements for these commitments are yet to be finalised."
- Transitional Housing P82
"The average cost of providing transitional housing support services is significantly higher than funding appropriated in Budget 2017...Additional capital is required to meet the existing supply target of 2,155 places, which might require adjusting upwards."
- Addressing the Gender Pay Gap in the State Sector P84
" Fulfilling this commitment may involve costs to the Crown."
- Changes to Institutional Form of Government Agencies P84
" commitments are likely to involve a number of changes to the composition and structure of existing government departments. Where the additional resourcing (and other costs of these changes) cannot be met through baseline expenditure, further Crown funding may be required."
- Increasing the Minimum Wage P85
".. increased costs to State sector employers. Funding may be sought where costs cannot be absorbed within baselines without resulting in unacceptable impacts on service delivery. "
- Pay Equity Claims following the Care and Support Worker Settlement P85
"The resolution of such claims within State-employed and State-funded sectors may involve significant costs to the Crown."
- Variance in Costs of 100-Day Plan Commitments P86
" forecasts include funding for the Government’s 100-Day Plan commitments, including First Year Fees-free Tertiary Education and the Families’ Package. Where costs are different to what has been reflected in the forecasts, the resulting fiscal impacts will need to be managed."
This is Treasury CYA - gently pointing out that this is not a full Budget and that there are considerable...Lacunae, no, Gaps, no, Omissions - oh, let's just settle for HOLES!