Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Councils, CEO and Staff - once again, I wearily explain their relationships

This was a response to a comment which confessed that 'As voters we are failing'.  My reply:  No, don't be too hard on yourself (and by extension, on the rest of us Ratepayers strapped to this Rates Rocket).
  • Voters only vote for Councillors.
  • Councillors have only one Employee - the CEO.
  • The CEO employs everyone else.

So all staff under the CEO actually are insulated totally from the Councillors. To staff, Councillors are a set of buffoons around a very distant table.
So staff are perfectly free to pursue their own aims and objectives and higher budgets, to the extent that these fly under the CEO's radar. And render 'reports' up through the CEO to the Council which lead to largely pre-determined policy positions which, quelle surprise, support those very same aims, objectives, and those safe and comfortable staff lives......

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